Support Kyle Dine's Kickstarter campaign
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Video Details
- Two videos will be created for grades K-2 and 3-5 with age appropriate content (both on same DVD)
- Video will have a fun and engaging approach featuring music, games and puppets
- Content will be for both American and Canadian audiences
- Goal is to provide allergy education to non-allergic students, which in turn grows support, empathy and understanding
- There will be a quiz at the end of the video for knowledge retention
- A teacher resource guide will be provided with the DVD
Quotes from Kyle DineWhy Kickstarter?
“Kickstarter is all about the power of a community. In my eyes, the food allergy community is one of the most passionate you’ll ever come across. We all want to help raise awareness in any way we can. I believe this video will be the answer in educating children, but I can’t do it alone. I’m excited to have food allergy parents helping to back the project, provide ideas for the video, even have their children featured in the video!” Why are you creating a DVD about allergy awareness? “This DVD has been a goal of mine for years. I love performing across North America, but fully realize I can only reach so many kids through touring. This video will connect with more kids than I could ever imagine and raise food allergy awareness on a ground-breaking scale.” Why is the video aimed at children? “Teaching children when they’re young about food allergies and intolerances helps them grow up to have a sense of empathy and understanding for each other’s differences.” Why is teaching through music, puppets and games effective? We all know how memorable certain songs can be. The messages seem to just stick with us. It’s a great way to engrain key messages about food allergies in children through repetition and sing-a-longs. Puppets and games draw them in even more by engaging children's imaginations in two-way dialogue with characters. How will this video support allergic children? “I only wish there was a resource like this available when I was a kid. This video will draw kids in, engaging them with music and puppets that will leave them wanting to know more about allergies, and how they can support their friends." Why are you creating two videos? “I am creating two separate videos (grades K-2 & 3-5), because I believe messaging is most effective when it’s age appropriate. My live shows are typically split up this way, and I have found over the years that you need different approaches and content to engage different audiences. I am also always conscious that the material for younger children isn’t to scary, while also not to babyish for older students.” Where will it be available? “The goal is to get this into as many schools and libraries across North America as possible. Initially, parents and teachers will be able to provide this educational resource by contributing to the Kickstarter campaign. After which, I will be using formal distributing channels.” |
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